Business Support & Resources

The Turtle Island Trade Coalition (TITC) empowers Indigenous food businesses across the Heartland. Our Food4All platform streamlines online sales with user-friendly tools for building a professional online storefront. Understanding that capital is crucial for success, TITC offers grants and application assistance to help businesses expand production, improve marketing, and invest in new technologies. Our goal is to foster sustainable growth and market competitiveness for our members.

Online Sales

In the Turtle Island Trade Coalition, Food4All serves as a digital facilitator for online sales that connects products to a broader audience. This service is geared towards small-scale producers, as it simplifies the online sales process. By removing the hurdles of digital setup, Food4All provides an accessible, user-friendly service that does not require extensive technical knowledge, making it easier than ever for business to engage in buying and selling online.

Learn more about Online Selling

Business Builder Grants

Business Builder Grants aim to bolster food and farm businesses. With a mix of competitive grants and non-competitive grants, we strive to ensure an equitable distribution of funds. Our focus is on projects that support or are operated by tribal communities, reinforcing our commitment to sustainable growth across the Heartland region.

Learn More about Business Builder Grants

Producer Guides

We know that the production process can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially when balancing traditional practices with modern business demands. That’s why we’ve worked hard to make producer guides to assist you and your unique needs as an Indigenous producer. 

Learn More about the Producer Guide