Turtle Island Indigenous Youth Growers Graduation: A Celebration of Growth and New Beginnings

January 29, 2024

TIIYG Students celebrate their graduation and achievements at the 2023 TIIYG Graduation Ceremony


A Night Filled with Warmth and Wisdom

Lincoln, NE – It was an evening of joy and pride at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln's East Campus as the Turtle Island Indigenous Youth Growers (TIIYG) gathered to celebrate a major milestone. 

Ted Hibbeler (Sicangu Lakota), kicked off the evening with his infectious enthusiasm, welcoming everyone and setting the tone for the night, which included a moving prayer and honor song performed by the Lincoln Indian Center’s Director Steve Laravie Jr and his group. The ceremony was also graced by Charlie Stoltenow, Dean of Extension. 

Louise Lynch-O’Brien, with her usual flair for hosting, made the event special. She ensured that every graduate felt honored, and every guest felt welcomed. Her efforts in orchestrating this memorable evening didn't go unnoticed. 

photo of 2023 graduation ceremony for the Turtle Island Indigenous Youth Growers Program

Celebrating Achievements and Looking Forward 

The 26 program graduates were celebrated for completing an intense year of learning Indigenous wisdom and how to grow, prepare, and preserve food. The ceremony was peppered with inspiring talks, including a shout-out to Christian Elowsky and Christian Stephenson for their incredible mentorship. Steve Laravie Jr.'s was particularly passionate and inspiring, reminding everyone why staying connected to our roots is so crucial. 

Introducing the New Faces 

An exciting part of the evening was introducing the new Program Manager, Skylar Falter. Skylar brings fresh energy and ideas to TIIYG, and we're all excited to see where she leads us. The 2024 batch of students got a taste of the journey they are on, filled with learning, growth, and community building. 

Skylar Falter presenting at the TIIYG Graduation Ceremony 2023
Skylar Falter, Program Coordinator, Turtle Island Indigenous Youth Growers 

What Makes TIIYG Special? 

At its heart, TIIYG is about connecting Indigenous students with their heritage and the land. From learning how to grow and preserve food to understanding the importance of traditional practices. Students get to engage in activities like seed saving, garden planning, and taking meals together, making meaningful relationships with their elders and each other. 

Getting In Touch 

If you're curious about the program or want to get involved, reach out to: 

The 2023 TIIYG Graduation was a celebration of a journey that each student took to intertwine their future with sustainable living. As the graduates step forward, they carry not just knowledge but a legacy of their heritage, ready to make a positive impact in their communities.